Book Club Talk
Gainesville - Leigh Wilson GainesvilleDiscussion of Hardscrabble Road
Author information, book details, and blogposts for readers and writers
Discussion of Hardscrabble Road
Southern Fried Karma Press Launch Party for my suspense thriller Watch What You Say.
I'll be signing my books, including the new suspense thriller Watch What You Say, from morning through the afternoon.
I'll present a talk about my new suspense thriller Watch What You Say and remain on-hand to sign books for hours thereafter.
I'll present a talk about my new suspense thriller Watch What You Say and remain on-hand to sign books thereafter.
I'll present a talk about my new suspense thriller Watch What You Say and remain on-hand to sign books thereafter.
Book launch of Watch What You Say for northside readers
Holiday book signing--signed, personalized books make great gifts, y'all!
I'll be signing my books, including the new suspense thriller Watch What You Say, from morning through the afternoon.
Holiday book signing--signed, personalized books make great gifts, y'all!